Keep bugs off the Green Way!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Did you know bug sprays that contain the chemical DEET can cause headaches and severe, long-term health problems? Well now you have a greener alternative. There are a wide variety of plant-based repellents on the market. Of course, if you are traveling to an area where insect-borne diseases are a real threat, the plant-based repellents won't be the best option.

There are several natural active ingredients to look for when trying to keep mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insect away, especially during outside functions. Look for products containting plant oils, such as citronella, tea tree, marigold, peppermint, and oil of lemon eucalyptus.

Also remember that proper lawn maintenance can keep these pesky critters at bay by eliminating their breeding grounds.

Bugs B Wear uses a citrus-scented oil solution to fill their sterling silver jewelry. This allows you to enjoy being outdoors without rubbing yourself down in bug-spray repellents. The oil is 100% plant derived and consists of a combination of citronella, mint and lemongrass. Visit to see what they offer!
posted by Cameo at 4:33 AM | Permalink